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Chitwan Medical College , Nepal

Title: Waist Circumference measures predict the cardiovascular risk parameter




Waist Circumference measures predict the cardiovascular risk parameter

Niraj Khatri Sapkota

Chitwan Medical College, Nepal


Introduction: Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure are two variables of Blood pressure that can be precisely measured if right precaution be taken and hence provides an attention to understand the cardiovascular risk parameters such as atheresclerosis,Ischaemic Heart disease, Strokes that leads to premature death. Waist circumference is considered to be one of the important measurements that indicate deposition of fat bulk around waist region that is directly associated with insulin resistant, Hypertension other Cardiac-metabolic risk.

Aims: Hence, this study aims to find   waist circumference (WC) measurement strongly predicts hypertension one of the cardiovascular risk.

Methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted by incorporating total of substantial number   (more than 100) of subjects in the data who were male only older than 25 years, non smokers, non alcoholic, didn’t have history of taking any type of medication, non vegetarian with normal physical activity and were residents in the urban and rural areas throughout, were included in the present study. Waist circumference referenced to umbilicus measured by non tensile and non flexible measuring tape and at the mean time height and weight were also recorded by standard device in order to calculate BMI and blood pressure was measured by Aneroid sphygmomanometer of the respective subject subsequently data analysis was made by using SPSS to compare the BMI and Waist circumference relationship with blood Pressure independently to identify their relationship with hypertension.

Results: Keeping few exceptional aside, Both BMI and Waist Circumference exhibited positive association with blood pressure, while the waist circumference was more strongly associated with hiking of blood pressure and also BMI is not always the relating parametric tool to metabolic disease as was conventionally considered.

Conclusion: The result and analytical data showed that (P<0.05) there is significant strong correlation of blood pressure with waist circumference comparatively more than BMI thus WC alone can significantly predict the co-morbidity therefore this study approach to suggest and hints to follow as a routine task for measuring Waist circumference while taking inference for diagnosing hypertension risk at least in male.

Recent Publications


  1. Sapkota NK (2017). Effect of phototherapy in ionized Magnesium and bilirubin level in hyperbilirubinmic neonates. Innovare Journal of Medical Sciences 5(1):10-11.
  2. Sapkota NK (2017). Pre-hypertension independent deleterious effect in body system. Innovare journal of Medical Sciences 2(4):1-2.
  3. Sapkota NK, Swain KC (2017). Obesity, type 2 Diabetes mellitus and its management. Innovare Journal of Health Sciences 5(1):17-20.
  4. Ram Lochan Yadav,  Khadka R ,  Agrawal K,   Thakur D,  Sharma D,  Shah DK, Yadav PK,  Sapkota NK, et al(2016). Analysis of cardiac autonomic modulation in normotensive obese and eutrophic adults of Nepal. International journal of research in Medical Sciences 4 (1):105-110.
  5. Sharma D,  Paudel BH,  Khadka  R, Thakur D , Sapkota NK et al (2015). Time domain and frequency domain analysis of heart rate variability in elite Nepalese football players. International Journal of Biomedical Research 6(09): 641-646.